Premium Spirits

Founded in 1864 in Fougerolles and chaired by Bernard Baud, Grandes Distilleries Peureux are continuing to write their story over the years, thanks to the involvement and passion of their workers.

gamme spirits

A company of regional heritage, the Peureux group is honored to represent the richness of its expertise both within France and for export. Its constant search for excellence and innovation has allowed this family business to establish itself as a market leader in the Eaux-de-Vie, Crèmes & Fruit Liqueurs and fruit in liqueur industries.

Its high-end positioning, thanks to the quality of its products, has made it an indisputable major player in the world of spirits, and has led Distilleries Peureux to create synergies with its distiller colleagues... Because in this niche market, we are stronger together, and collaborations were set up with Bernard Baud, a major player in these strategic unions between distillers from Alsace and Franche-Comté.

Over the course of time, the plural noun “Grandes Distilleries Peureux” has become particularly apt, as it truly is a group that has taken shape through its name, in the true sense of the term...

... Every one of the distilleries in this group has retained its identity, its local flavor and its production site, as well as its workers. Family spirit is at the heart of these distilleries. It is a valuable asset which allows each one to step into the history of the company and be passionate about its ancestral expertise in the art of distillation.

The Peureux, Massenez, Lemercier and Coulin distilleries evolve in the same universe, and yet their individuality is their strength which allows them to innovate, day in day out, and to move forward together and conquer the market! Tradition can also go hand in hand with innovation, ambition and modernity... Premium Spirits is the perfect reflection of this.